Yoga Nidra Class with Me


Yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep) is a powerful technique for controlling your body’s relaxation response. Yoga nidra can be as restorative as sleep, while you remain fully conscious. Giving your mind and body an extra window of deep relaxation offers powerful benefits and melts stress away instantly!

In my yoga nidra meditation class, you’ll immerse yourself into a natural resting state. As your mind begins to quiet, you’ll slowly start to recognize that your thoughts are simply thoughts as they come and go. As you develop a deeper awareness of yourself in this resting state, you’ll also learn to integrate this sense of mindfulness into your everyday life.

There’s power in being still and being able to quiet your mind, and yoga nidra can help you reach this state.

If you have any doubts about whether or not you can do yoga nidra, it’s time to release those preconceptions. As one of the easiest yoga practices to develop, there are no twists or turns, head stands, and there’s no “wrong way” to do yoga nidra.

Simply lie down on your back in savasana, close your eyes, and let the outside world melt away.